What Are Impacted Teeth Extractions?
An impacted tooth is one that never breaks through the gums. It's lodged in the jawbone. In some cases, these teeth never cause a problem and are usually asymptomatic. In other cases, though, they can do damage to the roots of the surrounding teeth or can cause pain, swelling, and difficulty eating.
In some cases, your Santa Barbara dentist may opt to remove the impacted teeth with extractions. In other cases, he may decide to encourage the teeth to come into the mouth, which is often the case with maxillary canines (upper eye teeth).
What Are Surgical Extractions?
Due to a fracture, deep decay, root canal, or infection, a simple extraction may not be possible. In these cases, your dentist will need to use a scalpel and other surgical instruments to open the gum tissue and remove the tooth.