What is the Importance of Preventing Gum Disease?
Periodontal disease can lead to many problems.
Periodontal disease, at its worst, can cause tooth and bone loss and it can be quite painful when it is severe. But even in mild cases, it can cause problems, such as bad breath or bleeding gums. Your smile may be affected, because your inflamed gums may become red and swollen.
Additionally, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) reports that periodontal disease may be a factor in other health conditions, including stroke, diabetes, and heart disease. This is because bacteria in the gums can travel to other parts of the body, causing infection and inflammation.
How Does Gum Disease Lead to Tooth Loss?
Periodontal or gum disease is the leading cause of adult tooth loss. Of course, no-one wants to lose teeth if not necessary. However, everyone is susceptible to gum disease. Periodontal disease is common and happens when food particles lead to plaque on the teeth. Bacteria feed on the plaque and cause an infection in the gums, which leads to inflammation and other problems.
How Does Gum Disease Typically Progress?
Gum disease starts off as gingivitis, inflammation of the gums, and can progress to periodontitis, which is a more serious infection of the gums that can lead to bone and tooth loss. This is why prevention is so important.